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Why does my child's teacher feel like she needs a page about wellness on her classroom website...??

In order for a child's brain to learn and be successful, their body and mind must be healthy and happy.

Some areas of wellness that I will be exploring with students this year:


How can we make and keep friends? What are healthy ways of interacting with people around us? What are appropriate ways of expressing our feelings and needs?


What are emotions? What are healthy and appropriate ways to deal with our emotions? Does everyone feel the same way about everything? Who can we share our feelings with?


What do our bodies need to be happy and healthy?  How much water do we need to drink? Why does it matter what food we eat? How often do we need to move our bodies and get sweaty?


What kinds of things interest us? How do our brains learn? How does your brain specifically like to learn? What do we need to do to keep our brains happy?

Ways to Contribute to Your Child's Wellness on School Days:

- set child up to be able to have a good night's sleep


- feed child nutritious breakfast before the school day


- involve child in packing a healthy lunch and snacks


- send child with a water bottle (sent home weekly to be washed) 


- encourage lots of proper hand washing at home


- limit screen time in the evenings, especially 1 hour before bed

Wellness Wheel for Adults


As parents and teachers, we have the greatest influence on our sweet littles.

If we practice wellness and lead by example, our little ones will automatically follow in our footsteps.

Attempting to model wellness through our own lives is challenging, but so important. I personally find this graphic a great tool to reflect on my own wellness. Some of these suggestions can be applied specifically to kiddos.

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