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Weather dependent I am hoping to start making my rounds for a physically distanced visit outside on Monday and Tuesday. I will be messaging to schedule these - I promise I will not just show up at your house unannounced :)

These visits will count as my weekly phone call check in's so please know I will not be calling again later in the week. That being said, reach out with any questions or if your little is needing talk :)

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Good morning! I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend out in the sunshine.

Here is the outline for the week. I have decided to skip a spelling test this week because it is just such a short week.

We will focus on Math, Social, and Writing this week. I am hoping to start doing a little bit of Science in the coming weeks as well.

Deborah and Jeanine have been sending out weekly "Student Announcements" which have lots of great info in them. This week they have mentioned that there will be a "Virtual Talent Show" coming up before the end of the year. Stay tuned for details if you might like to participate in that.

I know many of you have been asking when the last day of programming will be - the district has told us that it will be June 19. This is a week earlier than would have been if students were still in class.

Thank you for all that you do and I look forward to getting to see most of you for a "Physically Distanced Picnic" like I have chatted with you about in the last two weeks. I will be making plans to schedule those next week - weather permitting.

As always, email, call, or text with any questions

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Good morning all,

Here is the schedule for the week of what I will be posting.


- if you have not sent me your word cloud you have until Wednesday morning to do so

- next week is a short week, no programming on Monday May 18 (Victoria Day), or Tuesday May 19 (PD day)

- "see" you back on May 20 :)

- as always, call, email, or text with any questions

- I will call those that still wish to be contacted to hopefully have a phone or video chat with students this week

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